How to add Google sheets as your Django database in 4 minutes đź“Š
Adding Google sheets to Django as a basic database is extremely fast to do (and free).
This is great for building a quick product. You avoid the extra effort of setting up a full database, and get your idea out faster.
I’ll show you how to add Google sheets to your Django app as a lightweight database. We’ll be using gspread to access your Google sheets.
There are 5 steps. Let’s start 🚀
Here's what the frontend of our finished Django app with a Google Sheets database will look like:
And here's a full (optional) video following the guide (featuring me 🙂):

Update: Here's me presenting this guide at the Django Meetup in London 🇬🇧 in November
1. Get your Google API credentials
This is fast to do.
- Go to Google Developers Console and create a new project.
- In the box labeled “Search for APIs and Services”, search for “Google Drive API” and enable it.
- In the box labeled “Search for APIs and Services”, search for “Google Sheets API” and enable it.
- Go to “APIs & Services > Credentials” and choose “Create credentials > Service account”.
- Complete the form
- Click “Create” and “Done”.
- Press “Manage service accounts” above Service Accounts.
- Press on ⋮ near recently created service account (it's currently under "Actions") and select “Manage keys” and then click on “ADD KEY > Create new key”.
- Select JSON key type and press “Create”.
- Download that key
2. Setup your Django app
- Create a new virtual env
- install Django and the packages that we'll need
pip install django python-dotenv gspread
- Create a new Django project namedÂ
 and app namedÂsim
django-admin startproject core .
python startapp sim
- Include your new app in yourÂ
3. Add your Google credentials to Django
- Create core/.env
- Populate the below format with credentials from your download credentials
file and paste it into your.env
Load credentials into environment
- Add these lines to the top of yourÂ
 to load the AWS keys from yourÂ.env
 file into your Django app as environment variables when you run your Django server.
from pathlib import Path
from dotenv import load_dotenv
4. Access your Google Sheets data
- Create a services file at
containing the below code:
import os
import gspread
from typing import List
from django.conf import settings
def initialize_gspread() -> gspread.client.Client:
Initialize a gspread client with the given credentials.
return gspread.service_account_from_dict(get_credentials()) # Note: we could move this to settings to do this once.
def get_credentials() -> dict:
Return gspread credentials.
return {
"type": os.getenv("TYPE"),
"project_id": os.getenv("PROJECT_ID"),
"private_key_id": os.getenv("PRIVATE_KEY_ID"),
"private_key": os.getenv("PRIVATE_KEY"),
"client_email": os.getenv("CLIENT_EMAIL"),
"client_id": os.getenv("CLIENT_ID"),
"auth_uri": os.getenv("AUTH_URI"),
"token_uri": os.getenv("TOKEN_URI"),
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": os.getenv("AUTH_PROVIDER_X509_CERT_URL"),
"client_x509_cert_url": os.getenv("CLIENT_X509_CERT_URL"),
"universe_domain": os.getenv("UNIVERSE_DOMAIN")
def get_all_rows(doc_name: str, sheet_name: str = None) -> List[dict]:
Fetches all rows from a given Google Sheet worksheet.
sh =
worksheet = sh.worksheet[sheet_name] if sheet_name else sh.get_worksheet(0)
return worksheet.get_all_records()
Add your views
- In
add the below code:
from django.shortcuts import render
from .services import get_all_rows
def photo_wall(request):
photos = get_all_rows("Test sheet")
return render(request, 'photo_wall.html', {'photos': photos})
Start your Gspread client when your Django server starts
- Add your gspread client to
- Import our initialize method below your existing imports.
import os
from pathlib import Path
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from import initialize_gspread
- Then add the below line at the bottom of
to initialize the gspread_client
GSPREAD_CLIENT = initialize_gspread() # Starting the gspread client when our server starts speeds things up; it avoids re-authenticating on each request
I’ve added this to show you how we can add longer processes to our Django setup to speed up our app.
Initializing the gspread client when our Django server starts means that setting up our server takes more time. But this speeds each page load by 30% (on my computer), compared to creating a new gspread client every time we fetch data from our spreadsheet. This is because we avoid re-authenticating each time we request data.
Add your urls
- Update yourÂ
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import include, path
urlpatterns = [
path('', include('sim.urls')),
- CreateÂ
 in theÂsim
 directory containing:
from django.urls import path
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.photo_wall, name='photo-wall'),
5. Create a frontend to show your photos
Create your template
- Create
dir insim
- Create
- Add this HTML to
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Photo Grid</title>
/* Navbar styles */
nav {
background-color: #333;
color: white;
padding: 12px;
text-align: center;
.logo {
height: 24px;
/* Container and grid styles */
.container {
max-width: 1200px;
margin: auto;
padding: 20px;
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
gap: 16px;
/* Photo card styles */
.photo-card {
height: 300px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 12px;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
.photo-card img {
object-fit: cover;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
/* Photo details overlay */
.photo-details {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
color: white;
padding: 12px;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
.photo-card:hover .photo-details {
opacity: 1;
<!-- Photo grid -->
<div class="container">
<div class="grid">
{% for photo in photos %}
<div class="photo-card">
<a href="{{ photo.url }}" target="_blank">
<img src="{{ photo.url }}" alt="{{ photo.title }}" />
<div class="photo-details">
<h4>{{ photo.title }}</h4>
<p>{{ photo.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
`` ### Add data to your Google sheet database - Add data to your Google sheet
that you want to render into your database. Include a column called `title`,
`description`, and `url` (with an url to an image) **Note: you must add at least
2 rows of data for `get_all_records` to work**. This is because it needs a row
column names, which will be the first row of your sheet. Here’s the data I added
to my Google sheet. Add whatever data and images you’d like. (You can copy and
paste this into your Google sheet; select it; and then click split into columns)
```csv title,description,url Andya,A good
friend, Robatz,This was after our ball
game last saturday, Berto,I took this
last autumn in Greece. What a great day!,
Paweli,A close friend. We went and got popcorn
afterwards, Elaso,Spending time with a
dear friend is always a treasure.,
Mickin,Last Saturday, we had a fantastic time playing a game of ball
together., Ragif,Post-Saturday game
excitement., Aleyo,After a heavy workout
together. #gains, Brinky,My grandfather’s
old work colleague,
Share your Google sheet with your service account email
- Share your Google sheet with the email address in your
in your.env
file. This is critical.
6. Run your server to see your results
- Run your Django server
python runserver
- VisitÂ
 (or whatever local url you're using) to view your data.
Congratulations - you’ve added Google sheets as a super light database 🎉
You could expand this app to allow a user of your app to add more photos (a create) and to edit existing photos (an update).
You could build a portfolio of your images, or build the next Instagram. It would be cool to add videos as well, as well as letting the user upload videos.
To let the user upload photos or videos, you could use: 3 steps to upload files properly with Django (and HTMX).